Saturday, 9 June 2007

Quiet week

Well its been a quiet week, it feels like all ive done is work and sleep!!!

i had friday off though, because i need the hotel to put up a Scaffold were im working, so until thats done i cant do bugger all!! so i will go and see monday, glad of the day off really :)

I spent most of the day friday, doing the website ( its getting there slowly.... biggest problem im having is getting it show up on google. i have done the sitemap and posted it to them... 6-8 weeks!! FFS in this day and age thats a joke!!! i might be chuffin dead by then :)

Well Saturday i went back up on the moors again, only i started walking the other way this time... i wanted to go alot further, but the kids started moaning they were too hot.... the dogs didnt look right impressed either heheh so after only an hour or so came back to the car.

Then a lazy sunday.. other than buying a few bits for the holday in Cuba on the 20th i didnt do much, i cleaned the fishtank... turned into a big job, i bought a sea hare (big slug) and a Blue banded sea urchin to help remove some of the algae from the rocks... i put in 2 extra powerheads and cleaned both the filters out.... at the moment they are filtering 520 gallons an hour. oh i also pulled the skimmer off and cleaned that completly... first time in 5 years!!!!

will watch a film tonight with a bottle of wine, and look forward to the job again tomorrow (NOT!)

<<--- Scott wants to go home :D

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